Blog 8 - Thinking pink isn’t enough…
Thinking pink isn’t enough… October sees the arrival of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and for me a year since I went to my GP and the painful, expensive process of biopsies, ultrasounds, mammograms began. Truth be told, even though I had thought I had found a lump, I probably wouldn’t have gone for that check-up had it not been free, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Whilst I didn’t check my breasts regularly, I had noticed a lump which was quite hard, but I’d kind of fobbed it off and assumed it was all OK. I didn’t track the lump enough to realise that it didn’t come and go with my periods in the same way as the rest of the tissue in my breast changed (as my Dr put it, I was ‘lumpy bumpy’ so it was always going to be hard to self-examine). Plus, I was healthy, active and far too young, so obviously it wasn’t going to be serious!!! Fast forward a year and I can confirm that cancer doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care if you are young, old, male, female, BRCA...